Corporate Governance Code 2020
Corporate Governance Code 2020

Comitato Corporate Governance

Added on 25/11/2020

La crisi colpisce anche la Governance delle imprese… ed il sistema dei compensi
La crisi colpisce anche la Governance delle imprese… ed il sistema dei compensi

Marco Visani

Added on 25/11/2020

50 years later, milton friedman’s shareholder doctrine is dead
50 years later, milton friedman’s shareholder doctrine is dead

Colin Mayer
Leo E. Strine Jr.
Jaap Winter

Added on 25/11/2020

Donne nei board e nel management delle aziende quotate: un confronto internazionale
Donne nei board e nel management delle aziende quotate: un confronto internazionale

Valerio De Molli
Marco Visani

Added on 25/11/2020

Rapporto 2020 dell’Osservatorio sull’eccellenza dei sistemi di Governo in Italia: Governance, performance e executive compensation
Rapporto 2020 dell’Osservatorio sull’eccellenza dei sistemi di Governo in Italia: Governance, performance e executive compensation

Valerio De Molli

Added on 25/11/2020

Observatory on the excellence of governance systems in Italy. Report 2020
Observatory on the excellence of governance systems in Italy. Report 2020

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 25/11/2020

Addressing the crisis of the modern corporation: the duty of societal responsibility of the board
Addressing the crisis of the modern corporation: the duty of societal responsibility of the board

Jaap Winter

Added on 25/11/2020

The role of the board in time of distress
The role of the board in time of distress

Jaap Winter

Added on 25/11/2020

Towards a ‘new normal’ of Corporate Governance?
Towards a ‘new normal’ of Corporate Governance?

Jaap Winter

Added on 25/11/2020

ISS – Workshop Corporate Governance
ISS – Workshop Corporate Governance

Gabriel Alsina

Added on 25/11/2020

Dal salary sacrifice alle nuove regole Consob: sarà l’anno dei comitati di remunerazione
Dal salary sacrifice alle nuove regole Consob: sarà l’anno dei comitati di remunerazione

Marco Visani

Added on 25/11/2020

Dual transformation - mini book
Dual transformation - mini book

Scott D. Anthony

Added on 24/11/2020

Are business leaders caught in a confidence bubble?
Are business leaders caught in a confidence bubble?

Scott D. Anthony

Added on 24/11/2020

The big-event disruption playbook
The "big-event disruption" playbook

Scott D. Anthony

Added on 24/11/2020

The new game begins before the old one ends. CEO Summit - Chapter 1
The new game begins before the old one ends. CEO Summit - Chapter 1

Scott D. Anthony

Added on 24/11/2020

When disruption becomes digital. CEO Summit - Chapter 3
When disruption becomes digital. CEO Summit - Chapter 3

Scott D. Anthony

Added on 24/11/2020

How leaders delude themselves about disruption
How leaders delude themselves about disruption

Scott D. Anthony
Michael Putz

Added on 24/11/2020

Dual transformation in action: reinventing today while creating tomorrow
Dual transformation in action: reinventing today while creating tomorrow

Scott D. Anthony

Added on 24/11/2020

Dual transformation. How to reposition today's business while creating the basis for tomorrow's success
Dual transformation. How to reposition today's business while creating the basis for tomorrow's success

Scott D. Anthony

Added on 24/11/2020

The transformation 20
The transformation 20

Scott D. Anthony

Added on 23/11/2020

Economic report of the President
Economic report of the President

The White House

Added on 19/11/2020

Scenario Economia
Fiscal Monitor – Chapter 2 - Public investment for the recovery
Fiscal Monitor – Chapter 2 - Public investment for the recovery

International Monetary Fund

Added on 19/11/2020

Scenario Economia
Economist sustainability week - interview with Kristalina Georgieva
Economist sustainability week - interview with Kristalina Georgieva

International Monetary Fund

Added on 19/11/2020

Scenario Economia
Cause and Effect - There is nothing to like about close races
Cause and Effect - There is nothing to like about close races

David Woo

Added on 19/11/2020

Scenario Economia