ISS – Workshop Corporate Governance
Gabriel Alsina
Pubblicato il 25/11/2020

Dal salary sacrifice alle nuove regole Consob: sarà l’anno dei comitati di remunerazione
Marco Visani
Pubblicato il 25/11/2020

Dual transformation - mini book
Scott D. Anthony
Pubblicato il 24/11/2020

Are business leaders caught in a confidence bubble?
Scott D. Anthony
Pubblicato il 24/11/2020

The "big-event disruption" playbook
Scott D. Anthony
Pubblicato il 24/11/2020

The new game begins before the old one ends. CEO Summit - Chapter 1
Scott D. Anthony
Pubblicato il 24/11/2020

When disruption becomes digital. CEO Summit - Chapter 3
Scott D. Anthony
Pubblicato il 24/11/2020

How leaders delude themselves about disruption
Scott D. Anthony
Michael Putz
Pubblicato il 24/11/2020

Dual transformation in action: reinventing today while creating tomorrow
Scott D. Anthony
Pubblicato il 24/11/2020

Dual transformation. How to reposition today's business while creating the basis for tomorrow's success
Scott D. Anthony
Pubblicato il 24/11/2020

The transformation 20
Scott D. Anthony
Pubblicato il 23/11/2020

Economic report of the President
The White House
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

Fiscal Monitor – Chapter 2 - Public investment for the recovery
International Monetary Fund
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

Economist sustainability week - interview with Kristalina Georgieva
International Monetary Fund
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

Cause and Effect - There is nothing to like about close races
David Woo
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

Mitigating the impact of pandemic influenza through vaccine innovation
The Council Of The Economic Advisers (CEA) The White House
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

Lettera Club. The EU response to the socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak (part III)
Ambrosetti Club
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

World economic outlook, october 2020: a long and difficult ascent - chapter 2: dissecting the economic effects
International Monetary Fund
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

Evaluating the effects of the economic response to COVID-19
The Council Of The Economic Advisers (CEA) The White House
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

A long, uneven and uncertain ascent
Gita Gopinath
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

World economic outlook, october 2020: a long and difficult ascent – executive summary
International Monetary Fund
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

Lettera Club n.108 - Circular Europe: come gestire con successo la transizione da un mondo lineare a uno circolare
The European House - Ambrosetti
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

Cause and Effect - Social desirability bias and election hedges
David Woo
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020

Fiscal Monitor – Chapter 1 - Fiscal policies to address the Covid-19 pandemic
International Monetary Fund
Pubblicato il 19/11/2020