Fallimento, miniera di successi
Fallimento, miniera di successi

Andrea Devicenzi

Added on 26/09/2019

Risorse umane
Ho sognato e ho vinto
Ho sognato e ho vinto

Paola Gianotti

Added on 26/09/2019

Risorse umane
Lezioni di sci: cose che ho imparato sciando sulle montagne più grandi della terra
Lezioni di sci: cose che ho imparato sciando sulle montagne più grandi della terra

Emilio Previtali

Added on 26/09/2019

Risorse umane
Just E-volution 2030. Gli impatti socio-economici della transizione energetica in Europa
Just E-volution 2030. Gli impatti socio-economici della transizione energetica in Europa

Lorenzo Tavazzi

Added on 26/09/2019

Il nostro viaggio insieme
Il nostro viaggio insieme

Coca-Cola HBC

Added on 25/09/2019

Operations - R&D
Welcome to Nogara
Welcome to Nogara

Coca-Cola HBC

Added on 25/09/2019

Operations - R&D
Digitalizzazione e change management: le chiavi per migliorare l'azienda
Digitalizzazione e change management: le chiavi per migliorare l'azienda

Fabrizio Salvador

Added on 23/09/2019

Innovazione Risorse umane
Generative Patterning in Brief Coaching
Generative Patterning in Brief Coaching

Jan Ardui

Added on 18/09/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
A Brief History of Logical Levels
A Brief History of Logical Levels

Robert B. Dilts

Added on 18/09/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback
Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback

Rachel Jug Xiaoyin Jug Xiaoyin
Xiaoyin ‘‘Sara’’ Jiang
Sarah M. Bean

Added on 18/09/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
Blockchain. La chiave per entrare in un mondo decentralizzato
Blockchain. La chiave per entrare in un mondo decentralizzato

Paolo Tasca

Added on 12/09/2019

Training program on DLT
Training program on DLT

Paolo Tasca

Added on 12/09/2019

Ucl blockchain framework
Ucl blockchain framework

Nikhil Vadgama
Paolo Tasca

Added on 12/09/2019

Distributed ledger technology (dlt) and blockchain
Distributed ledger technology (dlt) and blockchain

The World Bank

Added on 12/09/2019

Il futuro dell'Europa tra nazionalismi e populismi
Il futuro dell'Europa tra nazionalismi e populismi

Marc Lazar

Added on 11/09/2019

The U.S. abandoned Iraq. Don't repeat history in Afghanistan
The U.S. abandoned Iraq. Don't repeat history in Afghanistan

David Petraeus
Vance Serchuk

Added on 05/09/2019

Regenerative medicine
Regenerative medicine


Added on 05/09/2019

Scenario Economia
Regulating Big Tech makes them stronger, so they need competition instead
Regulating Big Tech makes them stronger, so they need competition instead

Cory Doctorow

Added on 05/09/2019

Scenario Economia
Who's winning the US-China trade war? It's not the United States or China
Who's winning the US-China trade war? It's not the United States or China

Sherman Robinson
Karen Thierfelder

Added on 05/09/2019

Empowering EU member states with strategic sovereignty
Empowering EU member states with strategic sovereignty

Mark Leonard
Jeremy Shapiro

Added on 05/09/2019

Scenario Economia
From plaything to player: how europe can stand up for itself in the next five years
From plaything to player: how europe can stand up for itself in the next five years

Mark Leonard
Carl Bildt

Added on 05/09/2019

Scenario Economia
Europe and Italy, facing the challenges of coming decades
Europe and Italy, facing the challenges of coming decades

Bill Emmot

Added on 05/09/2019

Europe: if we do not step up together, the situation will only get worse
Europe: if we do not step up together, the situation will only get worse

Romano Prodi

Added on 05/09/2019

Scenario Economia
5 big ideas to guide us in the long war against islamic extremism
5 "big ideas" to guide us in the long war against islamic extremism

David Petraeus

Added on 05/09/2019
