How to Value a Company by Analyzing Its Customers Daniel McCarthy Peter FaderAdded on 22/09/2020 Sales & Marketing
In the mind of the consumer. A neuromarketing perspective Thomas Zoega RamsoyAdded on 22/09/2020 Sales & Marketing
When Data Creates Competitive Advantage Andrei Hagiu Julian WrightAdded on 22/09/2020 Sales & Marketing
Dal lockdown le basi dell'IT del futuro (2022) Il punto di vista di Autogrill Daniele RizzoAdded on 17/09/2020
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Dainese Group - Corporate Presentation Maurizio MottiAdded on 17/09/2020 Operations - R&D Innovazione
How the Coronavirus Is Already Rewriting the Future of Business Dina GerdemanAdded on 17/09/2020 Operations - R&D Innovazione
Presentation - Supply Chain Innovations for the New Normal: strategies for a successful recovery Carlos CordonAdded on 17/09/2020 Operations - R&D Innovazione
Caso Studio 1 - Omnichannel case: Adidas in Russia Carlos CordonAdded on 17/09/2020 Operations - R&D Innovazione
Adidas Russia/CSIS and the Russian Crisis: Retrench or Double Down Beverley Lennox Carlos Cordon Stephan SchmidheinyAdded on 17/09/2020 Operations - R&D Innovazione
Caso Studio 2 - Agility with a human touch: Philip Morris International, Digichain Carlos CordonAdded on 17/09/2020 Operations - R&D Innovazione
Diversity and inclusion at the Coca-Cola Company Lori George BillingsleyAdded on 16/09/2020 Risorse umane
Diversity & Inclusion: a case of targets, quotas or freewheeling? Josefine Van Zanten Alyson MeisterAdded on 16/09/2020 Risorse umane
Are Your D&I Efforts Helping Employees Feel Like They Belong? Michael SlepianAdded on 16/09/2020 Risorse umane
How Companies Should Manage Their Innovation Portfolios Alexander Osterwalder Tendayi Viki Yves PigneurAdded on 10/09/2020 Innovazione
Adapt Your Business to the New Reality Michael G. Jacobides Martin ReevesAdded on 10/09/2020 Innovazione