Lamborghini for Marketing Global Summit 2020
Lamborghini for Marketing Global Summit 2020

Katia Bassi

Pubblicato il 22/09/2020

Sales & Marketing
Customer Centricity: The key to long-term growth
Customer Centricity: The key to long-term growth

Peter Fader

Pubblicato il 22/09/2020

Sales & Marketing
How to Value a Company by Analyzing Its Customers
How to Value a Company by Analyzing Its Customers

Daniel McCarthy
Peter Fader

Pubblicato il 22/09/2020

Sales & Marketing
In the mind of the consumer. A neuromarketing perspective
In the mind of the consumer. A neuromarketing perspective

Thomas Zoega Ramsoy

Pubblicato il 22/09/2020

Sales & Marketing
Are you undervaluing your customers?
Are you undervaluing your customers?

Rob Markey

Pubblicato il 22/09/2020

Sales & Marketing
When Data Creates Competitive Advantage
When Data Creates Competitive Advantage

Andrei Hagiu
Julian Wright

Pubblicato il 22/09/2020

Sales & Marketing
La nuova Germania cambia l’Europa
La nuova Germania cambia l’Europa

Lucio Caracciolo

Pubblicato il 21/09/2020

Dal lockdown le basi dell'IT del futuro (2022) Il punto di vista di Autogrill
Dal lockdown le basi dell'IT del futuro (2022) Il punto di vista di Autogrill

Daniele Rizzo

Pubblicato il 17/09/2020

A post COVID-19 outlook: the future of the supply chain
A post COVID-19 outlook: the future of the supply chain

Carlos Cordon
Eric Buatois

Pubblicato il 17/09/2020

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Dainese Group - Corporate Presentation
Dainese Group - Corporate Presentation

Maurizio Motti

Pubblicato il 17/09/2020

Operations - R&D Innovazione
How the Coronavirus Is Already Rewriting the Future of Business
How the Coronavirus Is Already Rewriting the Future of Business

Dina Gerdeman

Pubblicato il 17/09/2020

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Presentation - Supply Chain Innovations for the New Normal: strategies for a successful recovery
Presentation - Supply Chain Innovations for the New Normal: strategies for a successful recovery

Carlos Cordon

Pubblicato il 17/09/2020

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Caso Studio 1 - Omnichannel case: Adidas in Russia
Caso Studio 1 - Omnichannel case: Adidas in Russia

Carlos Cordon

Pubblicato il 17/09/2020

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Intervista su Click & Good per Radio24
Intervista su Click & Good per Radio24

Daniele Rizzo

Pubblicato il 17/09/2020

Adidas Russia/CSIS and the Russian Crisis: Retrench or Double Down
Adidas Russia/CSIS and the Russian Crisis: Retrench or Double Down

Beverley Lennox
Carlos Cordon
Stephan Schmidheiny

Pubblicato il 17/09/2020

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Caso Studio 2 - Agility with a human touch: Philip Morris International, Digichain
Caso Studio 2 - Agility with a human touch: Philip Morris International, Digichain

Carlos Cordon

Pubblicato il 17/09/2020

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Diversity and inclusion at the Coca-Cola Company
Diversity and inclusion at the Coca-Cola Company

Lori George Billingsley

Pubblicato il 16/09/2020

Risorse umane
How to Develop a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative
How to Develop a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative


Pubblicato il 16/09/2020

Risorse umane
Diversity & Inclusion: a case of targets, quotas or freewheeling?
Diversity & Inclusion: a case of targets, quotas or freewheeling?

Josefine Van Zanten
Alyson Meister

Pubblicato il 16/09/2020

Risorse umane
Are Your D&I Efforts Helping Employees Feel Like They Belong?
Are Your D&I Efforts Helping Employees Feel Like They Belong?

Michael Slepian

Pubblicato il 16/09/2020

Risorse umane
How Companies Should Manage Their Innovation Portfolios
How Companies Should Manage Their Innovation Portfolios

Alexander Osterwalder
Tendayi Viki
Yves Pigneur

Pubblicato il 10/09/2020

Reboot your strategy
Reboot your strategy

MIT Sloan Management Review

Pubblicato il 10/09/2020

Insights into The Invincible Company
Insights into The Invincible Company

Alexander Osterwalder

Pubblicato il 10/09/2020

Adapt Your Business to the New Reality
Adapt Your Business to the New Reality

Michael G. Jacobides
Martin Reeves

Pubblicato il 10/09/2020
