In Uncertain Times, Big Companies Need to Take Care of Their Suppliers
In Uncertain Times, Big Companies Need to Take Care of Their Suppliers

Willy C. Shih

Added on 07/06/2023

Operations - R&D Innovazione
Pushing Back on Pervasive Technology
Pushing Back on Pervasive Technology

Ian I. Mitroff

Added on 06/06/2023

Umberto Galimberti: Se la tecnica uccide la natura
Umberto Galimberti: Se la tecnica uccide la natura

Umberto Galimberti

Added on 06/06/2023

Etica dell'intelligenza artificiale. Sviluppi, opportunità, sfide
Etica dell'intelligenza artificiale. Sviluppi, opportunità, sfide

Luciano Floridi

Added on 06/06/2023

Digital transformation is shifting from cloud-first to cloud everywhere
Digital transformation is shifting from cloud-first to cloud everywhere

Keith White

Added on 05/06/2023

Cloud adoption linked to stronger firm performance
Cloud adoption linked to stronger firm performance

Brian Eastwood

Added on 05/06/2023

The 4 pillars of successful digital transformations
The 4 pillars of successful digital transformations

Nathan Furr
Andrew Shipilov
Didier Rouillard
Antoine Hemon-Laurens

Added on 05/06/2023

Make Leader Character Your Competitive Edge
Make Leader Character Your Competitive Edge

Mary Crossan
William (Bill) Furlong
Robert D. Austin

Added on 01/06/2023

Microsoft - Diversity & Inclusion
Microsoft - Diversity & Inclusion

Angela Paparone

Added on 01/06/2023

Risorse umane
Managing Digital Transformation: Becoming a Data-Driven Organization
Managing Digital Transformation: Becoming a Data-Driven Organization

Javier Zamora

Added on 31/05/2023

Bollettino Economico 2/2023
Bollettino Economico 2/2023

Added on 26/05/2023

L'economia italiana tra rialzo dei tassi e inflazione alta
L'economia italiana tra rialzo dei tassi e inflazione alta

Added on 26/05/2023

Perché la proposta Ue sul Patto di Stabilità è un “rischio politico” per l’Italia
Perché la proposta Ue sul Patto di Stabilità è un “rischio politico” per l’Italia

Veronica De Romanis

Added on 26/05/2023

Presentazione Beppe Severgnini
Presentazione Beppe Severgnini

Beppe Severgnini

Added on 25/05/2023

Presentazione Keyu Jin
Presentazione Keyu Jin

Keyu Jin

Added on 25/05/2023

Presentazione Lin Jarvis
Presentazione Lin Jarvis

Lin Jarvis

Added on 25/05/2023

Presentazione Jean Todt
Presentazione Jean Todt

Jean Todt

Added on 25/05/2023

Presentazione Marco Grazioli
Presentazione Marco Grazioli

Marco Grazioli

Added on 25/05/2023

Employer Branding Is the New Marketing Imperative
Employer Branding Is the New Marketing Imperative

Dipanjan Chatterjee
Melissa Bongarzone
Alex Schanne

Added on 25/05/2023

Sales & Marketing
Introducing Brand Leadership
Introducing Brand Leadership

Added on 25/05/2023

Sales & Marketing
How Brand Building and Performance Marketing Can Work Together
How Brand Building and Performance Marketing Can Work Together

Jim Stengel
Cait Lamberton
Ken Favaro

Added on 25/05/2023

Sales & Marketing
La riduzione delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra (GHG)
La riduzione delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra (GHG)

Added on 25/05/2023

Scenario Sostenibilità
Presentazione Cindy Jebb
Presentazione Cindy Jebb

Cindy Jebb

Added on 25/05/2023

Emissions from Oil and Gas Operations in Net Zero Transitions
Emissions from Oil and Gas Operations in Net Zero Transitions

Added on 25/05/2023

Scenario Sostenibilità