Italiani, allineati e coperti
Italiani, allineati e coperti

Germano Dottori

Added on 02/03/2023

Presentazione di Federico Vagni
Presentazione di Federico Vagni

Federico Vagni

Added on 01/03/2023

What it takes to be a great leader
What it takes to be a great leader

Roselinde Torres

Added on 01/03/2023

Risorse umane Leadership
The power of vulnerability
The power of vulnerability

Brené Brown

Added on 01/03/2023

Risorse umane Leadership
Self-empowerment: trarre il meglio dai propri difetti
Self-empowerment: trarre il meglio dai propri difetti

Federico Vagni

Added on 01/03/2023

Risorse umane Leadership
The Culture Advantage – Scopri come trasformare la tua organizzazione attraverso la cultura
The Culture Advantage – Scopri come trasformare la tua organizzazione attraverso la cultura

Daniel Strode

Added on 28/02/2023

Risorse umane
Capitolo 7 Marketing - estratto da Neuroscience Impact Brain and Business
Capitolo 7 Marketing - estratto da Neuroscience Impact Brain and Business

Intesa San Paolo
Scuola IMT Lucca

Added on 28/02/2023

How customers can drive growth in the digital world
How customers can drive growth in the digital world

Mohan Subramaniam

Added on 27/02/2023

Innovazione Sales & Marketing
The Future 100: 2023
The Future 100: 2023

Added on 27/02/2023

Five steps to energy storage - Innovation Insights Brief  2020
Five steps to energy storage - Innovation Insights Brief 2020

Added on 23/02/2023

Rethinking business models through circular economy
Rethinking business models through circular economy

Valentina Carbone

Added on 23/02/2023

What's the global energy outlook for 2023?
What's the global energy outlook for 2023?

Added on 23/02/2023

The Future of Energy Storage
The Future of Energy Storage

Added on 23/02/2023

Energy Technology Perspectives 2023
Energy Technology Perspectives 2023

Added on 23/02/2023

ING 2023 Energy Outlook
ING 2023 Energy Outlook

Added on 23/02/2023

Global Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050
Global Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050

Added on 23/02/2023

Fostering Agritech Innovation
Fostering Agritech Innovation

United Nations Development Programme

Added on 22/02/2023

Alta Direzione Sostenibilità
How Zoom Conquered Video Conferencing
How Zoom Conquered Video Conferencing

Roger Dooley

Added on 21/02/2023

Why You Should Start A Friction Log Today
Why You Should Start A Friction Log Today

Roger Dooley

Added on 21/02/2023

Frontier’s New Customer Experience
Frontier’s New Customer Experience

Roger Dooley

Added on 21/02/2023

Creating ethics guidelines for artificial intelligence and big data analytics customers: The case of the consumer European insurance market
Creating ethics guidelines for artificial intelligence and big data analytics customers: The case of the consumer European insurance market

Martin Mullins
Christopher P. Holland
Martin Cunneen

Added on 21/02/2023

The Neuroscience of Customer Experience
The Neuroscience of Customer Experience

Paul J. Zak

Added on 21/02/2023

How Smart Products Create Connected Customers
How Smart Products Create Connected Customers

Mohan Subramaniam

Added on 21/02/2023

Is Your Company Squandering Digital Opportunities?
Is Your Company Squandering Digital Opportunities?

Mohan Subramaniam

Added on 21/02/2023