Resilience of global supply chains. Challenges and solutions European Parliamentary Research Service Added on 14/09/2022
The future of global supply chains: What are the implications for international trade? David DollarAdded on 14/09/2022
Are the Risks of Global Supply Chains Starting to Outweigh the Rewards? Willy C. ShihAdded on 14/09/2022
China’s Role in Supplying Critical Minerals for the Global Energy Transition. What Could the Future Hold? Rodrigo Castillo Caitlin PurdyAdded on 14/09/2022
Il futuro dell’ordine liberale. Intervista a Vittorio Emanuele Parsi Carlotta MingardiAdded on 13/09/2022 Scenario
Italia, quali prospettive dopo la caduta del Governo Draghi? I timori degli investitori Alessandra CaparelloAdded on 13/09/2022 Scenario
Evaluating cost trade-offs between hydropower and fish passage mitigation Terese E. Venus Nicole Smialek Joachim Pander Atle Harby Juergen GeistAdded on 13/09/2022 Innovazione
Trasformare l’energia idroelettrica sostenibile in realtà Commissione EuropeaAdded on 13/09/2022 Innovazione
La storia riscritta da Putin con disprezzo della verità Ernesto Galli Della LoggiaAdded on 13/09/2022 Scenario
Storms ahead. The future geoeconomic world order Johann Strobl Heiko BorchertAdded on 13/09/2022 Scenario
Sei strategie per affrontare l’ “economia di guerra” in Europa Giovanni GaspariniAdded on 13/09/2022 Scenario
Droughts rattle Europe's hydropower market, intensifying energy crisis Alex BlackburneAdded on 13/09/2022 Innovazione
Titanic. Naufragio o cambio di rotta per l'ordine liberale Vittorio Emanuele ParsiAdded on 13/09/2022 Scenario
Potential spatial impacts of the war in Ukraine (Abridged version): A case study from Italy Added on 13/09/2022 Scenario
La dimensione sociale dell’errore: perché è difficile andare controcorrente Vittorio PelligraAdded on 13/09/2022 Cultura