Wednesday, October 27, 2021 (4:00 pm - 6:00 pm) Meeting

Fake news: tips to identify and manage them

Centro Svizzero Via Palestro, 2 - 20121 MILANO

“Fake news” are not false news, but made-up news, which we need to be able to recognize and manage in our private and professional lives. How do we know today whether something is true or not? Making decisions based on false information is in fact a risk not to take in our private as well as professional life. It is therefore important to know how to recognize (and make the truth recognized) and distinguish it from fake news.
Thanks to the intervention of writers, journalists and scientists, we will address these issues both from a theoretical point of view and from a practical point of view, bringing to the ground concepts useful to managers in their work, increasingly impacted by a mass of false or unreliable news.
Building the credibility of leaders in an “infodemic” context

  • what to do and what not to do when communicating
  • the "rules" of communication and the quality of sources
  • a leader must be an effective (and memorable) storyteller of reality
Fake news and bias of the mind
  • the 3 fundamental values of information: the value of facts, the value of transparency and the value of responsibility
  • the importance of external rules, scientific evidence, to counter fake news
  • we understand not only what we think, but how we think, to cope with the biases of the mind
Don’t call them fake news: the mathematics of disinformation
  • the precise calculation hidden behind the false news, designed and structured to manipulate us
  • communication differences between different media: TV, print media, web and social media
  • migration: information mistakes create economic and cultural damage


Bianca Borriello

Storyteller, communication expert

Sergio Della Sala

Professore di Human Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh; Presidente, CICAP

Valentina Petrini

Reporter, La7; Conduttrice TV, Canale Nove


October 27, 2021
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Documenti dell'incontro

Nota informativa

Fake news: tips to identify and manage them

Nota informativa


Fake news: tips to identify and manage them



AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Presentazione di Valentina Petrini

Valentina Petrini

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Presentazione di Sergio Della Sala

Sergio Della Sala

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

The storytelling animal. How stories make us human

Jonathan Gottschall

Mariner Books

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

L'istinto di narrare. Come le storie ci hanno reso umani

Jonathan Gottschall

Bollati Boringhieri

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

La filosofia in cinquantadue favole

Ermanno Bencivenga

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

La casa delle parole

Cécile Coulon

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Raccontare. Strategie e tecniche di storytelling

Alessandro Perissinotto

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Che cosa vediamo quando leggiamo

Peter Mendelsund

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

La scienza dello storytelling. Come le storie incantano il cervello

Will Storr

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Gli arabi e lo storytelling. Dalle origini a Giulio Regeni

Stefano Calabrese

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Presentazione di Bianca Borriello

Bianca Borriello

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Bibliografia di Valentina Petrini

Valentina Petrini

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Fake - La fabbrica delle notizie


AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Non chiamatele fake news

Valentina Petrini

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Sotto il segno dell'ignoranza

Paolo Iacci

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

La verità non può scaturire da un singolo studio scientifico

Sergio Della Sala, Roberto Cubelli

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Rumore - Un difetto del ragionamento umano

Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, Cass R. Sunstein

AMBROSETTI MANAGEMENT (*)IN PERSON AND VIA WEBFake news: tips to identify and manage them

Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me)

Carol Tavris, Elliot Aronson

Video of the meeting

Fake news: consigli per riconoscerle e gestirle
Valentina Petrini
La7; Canale Nove, Reporter; Conduttrice TV
Sergio Della Sala
University of Edinburgh; CICAP, Professore di Human Cognitive Neuroscience; Presidente
Bianca Borriello
CMF Storytelling, Esperta di comunicazione; Fondatrice