IT EN00:24:01September 2024Work-life balance, top performance, and multiculturalism: the experience of MicrosoftClara SilvestriCFO/GM Finance Western Europe, Microsoft
IT EN00:30:40September 2024The role of positive attitude and bias awareness in today's leadershipGabriella VaccaCTO Italy & Group Director Enterprise Technology Solutions, Sky
IT EN00:22:36September 2024The development path of female leadership in Coca-Cola HBC ItalyFederica Di MichelePeople and Culture Director, Coca-Cola HBC Italia
IT EN00:21:05September 2024Women in Coffee: best practices and future projectsCarolina VergnanoCEO, Caffè Vergnano
IT EN00:34:37September 2024Industry in Crisis and Nationalism on the Rise: A New Germany in Europe?Markus KerberChief Strategist, Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU)
IT EN00:28:48September 2024Italy between Economic and Political Choices in the World of DisorderMonica MaggioniGiornalista, conduttrice, autrice; Direttrice della Direzione Editoriale, RAI TV
IT EN00:18:50September 2024The Relations between Italy and the United States approaching the American ElectionsMariangela ZappiaAmbasciatrice d'Italia negli Stati Uniti d'America
IT EN00:27:06September 2024The Chinese Economic Framework: Focus on Finance and InnovationEric LiPresident; Founder and President, Chengwei Capital;
IT EN00:28:33September 2024The European Economic Framework: Focus on the Green TransitionBeata JavorcikChief Economist , European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
IT00:38:00July 2024Trump, rabbia e populismo: le ragioni dietro la forza del tycoon e le prospettiveCarlo Invernizzi - AccettiProfessore di Scienze Politiche, Moynihan Center, The City University of New York
IT EN00:28:30October 2023Creating Flexible and Agile Supply ChainsMartin ChristopherEmeritus Professor of Marketing & Logistics, Cranfield School of Management
IT EN00:27:03October 2023Human-AI collective intelligence in Supply ChainsMaria Jesus SaénzDirector, Digital Supply Chain Transformation Lab, MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics
IT EN00:34:28October 2023A digital-driven Supply Chain as a lever to transform the business model: the STMicroelectronics experienceAlberto Della ChiesaExecutive Vice President, Supply Chain, STMicroelectronics
IT EN00:26:43October 2023Global Supply Chains and the Future of TradeRichard BaldwinProfessor of International Economics; Founder & Editor-in-Chief, MD Business School; VoxEU
IT EN00:25:31October 2023Supply Chain Strategy: digital as a driver for sustainabilityCarlos CordonProfessor of Strategy and Supply Chain Management, IMD Business School
IT00:38:00July 2024Trump, rabbia e populismo: le ragioni dietro la forza del tycoon e le prospettiveCarlo Invernizzi - AccettiProfessore di Scienze Politiche, Moynihan Center, The City University of New York
IT EN01:13:17May 2024The African Promise: Challenges and Perspectives for Italy and EuropeHoward W. FrenchProfessor of Journalism, Columbia School of Journalism
IT EN00:26:13May 2024Leaders in geopolitical turbulenceLucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes e Scuola di Limes
IT EN00:29:14April 2024The global political outlook between elections and rising tensionsGilles GressaniFondatore e Direttore, Le Grand Continent
IT EN00:26:33April 20242024 Geopolitical Outlook. Inflection PointTina FordhamFounder and Geopolitical Strategist;ormer Chief Global Political Analyst, Fordham Global Foresight; Wall Street, Citi
IT EN00:41:06January 2024Democracy Tested: Fragilities and Strengths of Italian Society in the Age of Ecological and Digital TransitionFerruccio De BortoliGiornalista e Scrittore; Presidente; Editorialista, LONGANESI; CORRIERE DELLA SERA
IT EN00:47:30January 2024The Fronts of Global Competition in 2024Dario FabbriAnalista geopolitico e Giornalista; Direttore, Domino
IT EN00:13:05August 2023USA 2024: economy, election and social tensionsHala GoraniJournalist, Anchor and Correspondent
IT EN00:41:07August 2023The world as seen by others: South Africa and Taiwan, new perspectives for 2024Federico RampiniScrittore e Giornalista, Corriere della Sera
IT EN00:27:31August 2023Energy transition and the possible contribution of nuclear powerAdnan A. Shihab-EldinSenior Visiting Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES), UK
IT EN00:34:37September 2024Industry in Crisis and Nationalism on the Rise: A New Germany in Europe?Markus KerberChief Strategist, Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU)
IT EN00:28:48September 2024Italy between Economic and Political Choices in the World of DisorderMonica MaggioniGiornalista, conduttrice, autrice; Direttrice della Direzione Editoriale, RAI TV
IT EN00:18:50September 2024The Relations between Italy and the United States approaching the American ElectionsMariangela ZappiaAmbasciatrice d'Italia negli Stati Uniti d'America
IT EN00:27:06September 2024The Chinese Economic Framework: Focus on Finance and InnovationEric LiPresident; Founder and President, Chengwei Capital;
IT EN00:28:33September 2024The European Economic Framework: Focus on the Green TransitionBeata JavorcikChief Economist , European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
IT EN00:16:44April 2024Mapping Risks for Investments: a Better Approach to Emerging MarketsRobert KoenigsbergerFounder, Managing Partner & CIO, Gramercy Funds Management
IT EN00:35:40April 2024Agenda for Italy: the Role of Human Capital in Explaining Italy’s Productivity GapPaola SapienzaSenior Fellow;Donald C. Clark/HSBC Chair in Consumer Finance Professor, Hoover Institution, Stanford University;Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
IT EN00:30:24April 2024The Outlook of China's EconomyYu YongdingAcademician; Member, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China; Advisory Committee of National Planning
IT EN00:54:07April 2023There is life beyond the PNRR: opportunities and risks for ItalyEnrico GiovanniniEconomista, già Ministro delle Infrastrutture e della Mobilità Sostenibili nel Governo Draghi
IT EN00:25:41April 2023The rise of venture capital: from Silicon Valley to Asia and EuropeSebastian MallabyPaul A. Volcker Senior Fellow in International Economics, Council on Foreign Relations
IT00:44:26June 2024Leader equilibristi: promuovere un buon work-life balance senza compromettere gli obiettivi aziendaliEugenio SidoliAmministratore Delegato, Max Mara
IT00:48:51June 2024Le politiche di conciliazione famiglia – lavoro: storia e riflessioniMarcello RussoProfessore di Comportamento Organizzativo e Gestione delle Risorse Umane
IT EN00:35:10June 2024The perfectionism trap and the impacts on performance. The unbearable heaviness of perfectionThomas CurranAssociate Professor of Psychological and Behavioural Science, London School of Economics
IT EN00:28:12May 2024The power of questions for leadership in turbulent timesPia LauritzenFilosofa e scrittrice
IT EN00:23:26May 2024Being credible in turbulent times. Experts “against” generalistsAmanda GoodallProfessor in Leadership, Bayes Business School
IT EN00:26:47May 2024Decision-making in turbulent timesOlivier SibonyProfessor of Business and Corporate Strategy, HEC Paris
IT EN00:27:10May 2024The dark side of leadership. How leaders create turbulence and how to prevent itEugene Sadler-SmithProfessor of Organizational Behaviour, Surrey Business School, University of Surrey
IT EN00:26:05May 2024Women's leadership in turbulent timesIvona HidegAssociate Professor of Organisation Studies, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
IT EN00:46:02April 2024Understanding microstress to fight it and start responding to itRobert CrossSenior Vice President of Research;Edward A. Madden Professor of Global Leadership, i4cp; Babson College
IT01:56:52June 2023Leadership 3.0: il potenziale nascosto di gentilezza, empatia e inclusioneCristina MilaniPresidente, Gentletude OnlusAnna FiscaleFondatrice e Presidente, Progetto QuidMatteo Lo DucaHead of Global Finance Shared Services, EssilorLuxottica
IT EN00:22:54June 2024Triple planetary crisis: what companies should know to be prepared and relevantKumi KitamoriDeputy Director, Environment Directorate, Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (OCSE)
IT EN00:23:26June 2024Being relevant in a transforming scenarioEnrico GiovanniniFondatore e Direttore Scientifico, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS)
IT EN00:27:26June 2024Being relevant: changing a paradigm, not just solving a problemDaniele BenatoffCo-Founder e Co-CEO, Planet Farms
IT EN00:23:20June 2024How to support companies in their ESG transition: the UniCredit perspectiveFiona MelroseHead of Group Strategy & ESG, UniCredit
IT EN00:26:24June 2024Be relevant: turning sustainability challenges into competitive opportunitiesCarlo CiciPartner, Head of Sustainability Practice, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT EN00:23:51June 2024Leveraging technology to build relevant sustainable strategiesScott ChildressPresident of Sustainability, CFO, Network of the Future, UPS
IT EN00:23:22June 2024ESG as a concrete and substantial choice: sharing social valueEmanuela DelucchiChief ESG, IR & Communication Officer, ERG
IT EN00:17:26June 2024From Occam’s razor to orthogonal thinkingRiccardo ValentiniDirettore, Divisione Impatti del Clima, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC)
IT EN00:18:38June 2024Understanding the different meanings of sustainability around the world (beyond environment)Farah CaswellPartner, Senior Sustainability and Environmental Engineer, Foster + Partners
IT00:33:28March 2024L’Italia tra resilienza e decarbonizzazioneSergio CastellariClimatologo; Rappresentante Permanente d’Italia, ONU
IT EN00:29:48April 2024The cities of the future and the artificial centuryPatricia VielAchitects & Co-Founder, ACPV Architects
IT EN00:40:12April 2024Possible futures and the future we wantEnrico GiovanniniDirettore Scientifico e Fondatore, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS)
IT EN00:30:25April 2024The future of human genomicsMatthew BrownChief Scientific Officer;Professor of Medicine, Genomics England; King's College London
IT EN00:36:56April 2024The future of technology. From linear to exponential thinkingMaarten SteinbuchDistinguished University Professor in Systems and Control, Eindhoven University of Technology
IT EN00:30:48April 2024The future of Europe between challenges and prospectsNathalie TocciDirector, Istituto Affari Internazionali
IT EN00:20:01April 2024The end of globalization and the future of global tradeElisabeth BrawSenior Fellow, The Atlantic Council
IT EN00:31:39October 2023The Future of Work: AI and New Emerging TrendsStefano ScarpettaDirector of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD
IT EN00:27:07October 2023HR & Sustainability: Shaping the Future TogetherScott DrachVice President of HR, Boeing Global
IT EN00:29:07July 2023The marketing trends of the futureMarie StaffordGlobal Director, Wunderman Thompson Intelligence
IT EN00:37:48March 2023The challenge for our future: a new smart, equitable and sustainable economy to buildJeffrey D. SachsDirector, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University
IT EN00:32:13July 2024Real time pricing: refining pricing strategies through AISantiago GallinoDistinguished Faculty Scholar and Associate Professor,, Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania
IT EN00:19:44June 2024Rethinking teams: from minimizing errors to maximizing innovationKendell TimmersSVP e Head of Data & Insights, The New York Times
IT EN00:35:43June 2024Key metrics for success: the experience of the New York TimesKendell TimmersSVP e Head of Data & Insights, The New York Times
IT EN01:08:29May 2024Generative AI: engagement inside and outside the companyHosni ZaoualiGuest Lecturer; CEO, Stanford University; ConnectED-Labs
IT EN00:56:11May 2024The Generative AI revolution: the impact on analytics, decision making and engagementHosni ZaoualiGuest Lecturer; CEO, Stanford University; ConnectED-Labs
IT EN00:27:22March 2024Being a CMO in the age of AIFiona CarneyChief Marketing Officer, EMEA, Microsoft
IT EN01:11:47February 2024How to best use ChatGPT for Human ResourcesFermin DiezDeputy CEO & Group Head of Human Resources;Adjunct Professor of HR Strategy, National Council of Social Services (Singapore);Singapore Management University
IT EN01:23:40February 2024How AI changes Human Resources: getting the best out of people and organizationsFermin DiezDeputy CEO & Group Head of Human Resources;Adjunct Professor of HR Strategy, National Council of Social Services (Singapore); Singapore Management University
IT EN00:55:53February 2024Artificial Intelligence in business: myth or reality?Michael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
IT00:26:58July 2024Il concetto di linguaggio ampio, non inclusivoVera GhenoSociolinguista, Accademia della Crusca
IT00:22:20July 2024L’importanza e i benefici dell'inserimento professionale delle persone autisticheNico AcamporaFondatore, PizzAut
IT00:25:22July 2024La convivenza delle differenze: significato e applicazioni praticheFabrizio AcanforaScrittore, professore e musicista
IT EN00:35:04June 2024Leadership, diversity and psychological security: why they are important for team performanceRose CartolariEuropean Women on Boards and Coaches Council Member, Forbes
IT EN01:05:59February 2024Welcoming age diversity in the company: strategies to remain attractive in the futureChristiane BisanzioCEO; guest lecturer, Swiss Inclusion Group LLC; Università St. Gallen
IT EN01:00:29February 2024Age Inclusion: creating intergenerational cohesion by addressing the challenges and values of all agesCelia De AncaDeputy Dean for Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion, IE Business School di Madrid
IT EN00:37:40June 2023Leading Global (and Local) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: the challenges of global DEI strategies Rohini AnandFormer SVP and Global Chief Diversity Officer, Sodexo
IT01:02:04June 2023Divario generazionale e inclusione di genere: come ripensare la cultura aziendale in ottica inclusivaPaolo NagariFounder & CEO, InterCultural Group
IT00:26:00June 2023Come promuovere diversità e inclusione in aziendaAnna FiscaleFondatrice e Presidente, Progetto Quid
IT00:29:49May 2023Dalla normalità alla diversità: discriminazioni e potenzialitàMaura GancitanoFilosofa e scrittrice
IT EN00:40:05April 2024The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive sideJonathan GottschallAuthor and Distinguished Fellow, Washington & Jefferson College
IT EN01:12:45March 2024Talk and convince: the techniques of great speakers to be clearer and more incisive communicatorsNick Coburn-PaloProfessor of Public Speaking, Harvard University
IT EN00:55:02March 2024Public Speaking: Tips and Practical Exercises for a Successful SpeechNick Coburn-PaloProfessor of Public Speaking, Harvard University
IT EN00:24:34March 2024Being creative in the age of AIAude GandonSVP, Global Chief Marketing Officer, Nestlé
IT EN00:29:51March 2024Reimagining storytelling in the age of AIAndrea FontanaPresidente, Storyfactory
IT EN01:02:04November 2020Energising Creativity. The role of leaders and corporate culture for developing creativity and new ideasRichard HytnerFormer CEO EMEA and Deputy Chairman Global Strategy & Innovation; Founder; Adjunct Professor of Marketing, Saatchi & Saatchi; Blue Hat Man; Beta baboon; London Business School