Biden’s over-under for Paris climate goal: 50 percent
Biden’s over-under for Paris climate goal: 50 percent

Josh Lederman

Pubblicato il 25/03/2021

Scenario Economia
The Biden-Harris administration immediate priorities
The Biden-Harris administration immediate priorities

The White House

Pubblicato il 25/03/2021

Scenario Economia
Der begrenzte planet - Introduction
Der begrenzte planet - Introduction

Heiner Flassbeck

Pubblicato il 25/03/2021

Scenario Economia
Gender equality Index 2020 key findings for the EU
Gender equality Index 2020 key findings for the EU

European Institute For Gender Equality

Pubblicato il 24/03/2021

Risorse umane
Diversity, inclusion, and talent: 3 pillars of kering’s strategy. Our approach to diversity & inclusion
Diversity, inclusion, and talent: 3 pillars of kering’s strategy. Our approach to diversity & inclusion

Kalpana Bagamane

Pubblicato il 24/03/2021

Risorse umane
Rapporto 2021 Italia Cashless: cambiamenti in atto e prospettive future 6a edizione
Rapporto 2021 Italia Cashless: cambiamenti in atto e prospettive future 6a edizione

The European House - Ambrosetti

Pubblicato il 24/03/2021

Community Cashless Society 2021 - Mappa Concettuale
Community Cashless Society 2021 - Mappa Concettuale

The European House - Ambrosetti

Pubblicato il 24/03/2021

Searching for diversity: an overview of Italian Cultural Institutes boards of directors
Searching for diversity: an overview of Italian Cultural Institutes boards of directors

Monia Castellini
Marianna Marzano
Nicola Valentini

Pubblicato il 24/03/2021

Risorse umane
Gender Equality Index 2020 France
Gender Equality Index 2020 France

European Institute For Gender Equality

Pubblicato il 24/03/2021

Risorse umane
Kering Americas named “best place to work for LGBTQ equality” in human rights campaign’s 2021 corporate equality index
Kering Americas named “best place to work for LGBTQ equality” in human rights campaign’s 2021 corporate equality index


Pubblicato il 24/03/2021

Risorse umane
Gender Equality Index 2020 Italy
Gender Equality Index 2020 Italy

European Institute For Gender Equality

Pubblicato il 24/03/2021

Risorse umane
Do your employees know why you believe in diversity?
Do your employees know why you believe in diversity?

Ruchika Tulshyan

Pubblicato il 24/03/2021

Risorse umane
Speaking to customers in uncertain times
Speaking to customers in uncertain times

Grant Packard
Sarah G. Moore
Brent McFerran

Pubblicato il 22/03/2021

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane
The leader's guide to corporate culture
The leader's guide to corporate culture

Spencer Stuart

Pubblicato il 22/03/2021

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane
Are you really innovating around your customers’ needs?
Are you really innovating around your customers’ needs?

Sunil Gupta

Pubblicato il 22/03/2021

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane
Participatory design for digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises
Participatory design for digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises

Anastasia Ostrowski
Bastian Pokorni
Simon Schumacher

Pubblicato il 18/03/2021

Digital transformation: five recommendations for the digitally conscious firm
Digital transformation: five recommendations for the digitally conscious firm

Ted Saarikko
Ulrika H. Westergren
Tomas Blomquist

Pubblicato il 18/03/2021

Digital transformation, covid-19 crisis, digital transformation
Digital transformation, covid-19 crisis, digital transformation

Yannick Meiller

Pubblicato il 18/03/2021

Leadership’s digital transformation. Leading purposefully in an era of context collapse
Leadership’s digital transformation. Leading purposefully in an era of context collapse

Michael Schrage
Benjamin Pring
David Kiron
Desmond Dickerson

Pubblicato il 18/03/2021

Trasformazione digitale, strategia e resilienza del business: l'esperienza di OVS
Trasformazione digitale, strategia e resilienza del business: l'esperienza di OVS

Anna Matteo

Pubblicato il 18/03/2021

If your innovation effort isn’t working, look at who’s on the eam
If your innovation effort isn’t working, look at who’s on the eam

Nathan Furr
Kyle Nel
Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy

Pubblicato il 16/03/2021

Innovazione Leadership
Leading your team into the unknown
Leading your team into the unknown

Nathan Furr
Jeffrey H. Dyer

Pubblicato il 16/03/2021

Innovazione Leadership
When your moon shots don’t take off
When your moon shots don’t take off

Kyle Nel
Nathan Furr
Jeff Dyer

Pubblicato il 16/03/2021

Innovazione Leadership

Nathan Furr

Pubblicato il 16/03/2021

Innovazione Leadership