Stéphane J. G. Girod

Professor of Strategy and Organizational Design, IMD Business School

Paola Giucca

Vice Capo Servizio Supervisione Mercati e Sistema dei pagamenti, BANCA D'ITALIA

Alessio Giuiusa

Senior Operations Manager, Amazon Italia Logistica

Francesco Giunti

ENI, Responsabile Energy Evolution Integrated Initiatives & Regulatory Activity

Brian Gleason

Global CEO [m]PLATFORM at GroupM

Linda Gobbi

Co-fondatrice, Future Concept Lab

Sir Charles Godfray

Director, Oxford Martin School & Professor of Population Biology, Oxford University

Jan Godsell

Dean and Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy, Loughborough Business School

Casey Goelzer

Regional Director, Americas Marketing, BOEING

Fabio Golinelli

Advanced Processes e Technologies Manager, Distribution Solutions, ABB.

Antonio Golini

già Presidente, ISTAT

Arancha González Laya

Dean PSIA, Sciences Po; Già Ministro degli Affari Esteri, Spagna

Amanda Goodall

Professor in Leadership, Bayes Business School

Tyler Beck Goodspeed

Acting Chairman and Vice Chairman of the US President’s Council of Economic Advisers, The White House

Hala Gorani

Correspondent, NBC NEWS

Sergey Gorbatov

Professore, IE Business School; Autore e Direttore General Manager Development, ABBVIE

Jonathan Gottschall

Autore e Distinguished Fellow, Washington & Jefferson College

Marc Gough

Industry Partnerships & Engagement Manager, HAI Stanford University

James Gowers

VP Strategy & Business Development, DeepMap Inc.

Nik Gowing

Fondatore del progetto "Thinking the Unthinkable" e Co-Autore del libro "Thinking the Unthinkable: a new imperative for leadership in a disruptive age"

Dominic Grainger


David Gram

Co-Founder & Partner, Diplomatic Rebels

Valentino Grant

Membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione del Gruppo Cassa Depositi e Prestiti; Presidente, Banca di Credito Cooperativo Terra di Lavoro

Lynda Gratton

Professor of Management Practice, London Business School