Carlo Grossi

Direttore Divisione OTC, Menarini

James Growers

VP Strategy and Business Development, Perceptive Automata

Fabio Guenza

Professore, Bologna Business School; Co-fondatore, Blumine

Paolo Guenzi

Professore Associato, Dipartimento di Marketing, Università L. Bocconi e Direttore, Commercial Excellence Lab, SDA Bocconi

Juergen Guldner

Vice President Hydrogen, Fuel Cell Technology and Vehicle Projects, BMW

Rhonda Hadi

Associate Professor of Marketing, Oxford Saïd Business School

Brent Hailpern

Scientific Director, Cognitive Horizons Network, IBM Research - Almaden

Roger Halbheer

Chief Security Advisor, MICROSOFT

Robin Hanson

Research Associate, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford e Associate Professor of Economics, George Mason University

Verne Harnish

CEO, Scaling Up

Emily Harper

Group Manager, Glass, Lighting & Closures Supply Chain Berlin, Tesla

Sarah Harper

Professor of Gerontology, University of Oxford; Director, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing

Tim Harris

CEO, Wesgro - Cape Town & Western Cape Tourism, Trade & Investment Official Agency

William A. Haseltine

Chairman, William A. Haseltine Foundation for Medical Sciences and the Arts

Fadi Hassan

Visiting Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bonnie Hayden Cheng

Professor of Organizational Behavior, Hong Kong University Business School

Lutz Hegemann

President, Global Health and Sustainability, Novartis

Michael Heise

Chief Economist, Allianz SE

James Henderson

Director, Energy Transition Research Initiative; Chairman Gas Research Programme, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Janet Henry

Global Chief Economist, HSBC

Cameron Hepburn

Professore di Environmental Economics e Direttore, Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, University of Oxford

Dominique Hermans

Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer, Randstad

Leandro Herrero

Executive Fellow, Center for the Future of Organization e Drucker School of Management , USA

Paul Herrick

Managing Director Human Resources EMEA, Burson Marsteller