Francesco Sala

Senior Vice President Manufacturing, Pirelli Tyre

Leonardo Salcerini


Alberto Salleo

Professor and Chair, Materials Science and Engineering Department, Stanford

Fabio Salmoiraghi

Responsabile di Produzione, MV Agusta Motor

Oded Salomy

Head of the Payments and Settlements Systems Department, Bank of Israel

Marco Saltalamacchia

Executive VP e CEO, Koelliker

Fabrizio Salvador

Professor of Operations and Technology Management and Vice-Rector for Applied Research, IE Business School, IE University

Paolo Salvato

SVP Strategy & New Initiatives, Leonardo

Andrew Salzberg

Head of Transportation Policy and Research, UBER

Rosa Sangiorgio

Responsabile degli Investimenti Responsabili, Pictet Wealth Management

Federico Sannella

Direttore Corporate Affairs, Birra Peroni

Shuya Sano

Vicedirettore Generale di Nagoya Works, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Andrea Santagata

Amministratore Delegato, MONDADORI MEDIA

Javier Santamaría

Chair, EPC European Payment Council

Simone Santi

Development Director - MIND / Head of Offices – Italy, LENDLEASE

Danilo Santi

General Manager, Gardaland

Fabio Santini

Chief Product Officer, Shazam

Agostino Santoni

Vice President South Europe, CISCO SYSTEMS ITALY

Sandro Santoro

Direttore Generale, Basket Brescia Leonessa

Paola Sapienza

Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Donald C. Clark/HSBC Chair in Consumer Finance Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Christian Sarkar

Founder, Double Loop Marketing

Annie Sarnblad

Former Guest lecturer, Stanford University ed esperta di emotional behavior

Tiziano Sarteanesi

Consigliere di Amministrazione, Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri

Matteo Sarzana

General Manager, Deliveroo Italia