Professore di Marketing INSEAD
Deputy Director, Digital Ethics Lab & Senior Research Fellow, Internet Institute, Oxford University
Professor of Machine Learning, New York University
Commercial Director, Decathlon Italia
Professor of Energy and Climate Policies, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, and Johns Hopkins University
Editorialista, Il Corriere della Sera
Professor of Digital Manufacturing and Operations Management, Politecnico of Milan
Permanent Representative of Italy to NATO
Presidente e Amministratore Delegato, TIP -Tamburi Investment Partners
Senior Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, Pirelli
Chief Information Officer, Baker Hughes
Musician, member of the group Elio e le Storie Tese
Vice President Procurement, Schneider Electric
Ispettore Generale Capo dell’Ispettorato Generale di Finanza Ragioneria Generale dello Stato, Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze
Insegnante di yoga e formatrice
Consigliere Delegato, Università Bocconi
Head of CDP Enterprises, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group
Vicedirettore Generale del Dipartimento Innovazione, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Founder and Executive Director, Center for Blockchain Technologies, University College London
Professor in Strategy and Sustainability, School Deputy Director, UCL School of Management
Senior Partner and Head of Scenarios and Intelligence, TEHA Group
Chair of the Human Capital Management Department, New York University
Global Head of Digital Transformation, HSBC
Vice President Esecutivo Sostenibilità, Edison
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