Professor of Practice of Management and Information Systems, IESE Business School
Mental Coach and writer
Author and expert in organizational development
Executive Vice President Global Marketing & Communication, Piaggio Group
Guest Lecturer, Stanford University CEO ConnectED-Labs
Italian Ambassador to the United States of America
Author, pricing and topline excellence expert
President and CEO, Nielsen Italy
Chief US Economist, Morgan Stanley, USA
Director, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Cape Town
Chief Economist, KfW Bankengruppe
Amministratore Delegato, Guido Berlucchi & C. Spa
Communication and Persuasion Expert
O.D. Strategic Designer & Facilitator e co-fondatore Fabric (Parigi)
Research Scientist Human/Machine Devices and Paradigms, IBM Research Almaden
Robert C. McCormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Chief Sustainability Officer, Davines
Amministratore Delegato, Easycoop
Coach and Co-Founder, BeaconForce
Campione di pallavolo ed esperto di team building
Art historian, Director of the Pinacoteca and Museum of Ancona
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