Cameron Hepburn

Professore di Environmental Economics e Direttore, Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, University of Oxford

Dominique Hermans

Chief Strategy & Transformation Officer, Randstad

Hugh Herr

Nec Career Development Professor; Director, Biomechatronics, MIT Media Lab MIT

Leandro Herrero

Executive Fellow, Center for the Future of Organization e Drucker School of Management , USA

Paul Herrick

Managing Director Human Resources EMEA, Burson Marsteller

Edward Hess

Professor of Business Administration, University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Andrew Hessel

Chief Executive Officer, HUMANE GENOMICS

Barbara Heydorn

Senior Director, Energy Center, SRI International

Ivona Hideg

Associate Professor of Organisation Studies, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

Glen Hiemstra

Founder and Chairman,, USA

Garrick Hileman

Head of Research, & Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics

Jerome Hiquet

già Chief Marketing Officer, Formula E

Vlatka Hlupic

Professor of Business and Management, Westminster University

Richard B. Hoey

Chief economist Bank of New York Mellon

Ernesto Hofmann

Esperto di tecnologie digitali, saggista e divulgatore

Pablos Holman

Futurist, IT Security Expert, Intellectual Ventures Laboratory, USA

Florian Hoos

Professor of Sustainability and ESG Accounting, IMD Business School

Mark Hopkins

Director of Energy Efficiency Department UN Foundation

Jane Horvath

Chief Privacy Officer, Apple

Dominic Houlder

Adjunct Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School

Stephan Howeg

Chief Marketing & Communication Officer, Adecco Group

Victoria Howell

Professional Programs Director, Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, Berkeley University

Anton S. Huber

CEO, Siemens Digital Factory

Mike Hudack

Chief Technology Officer, Deliveroo